How we are managed

We know how important it is for donations to get to their intended destination as quickly as possible and make an impact. It is our job to make sure that money is spent carefully, and for the purposes for which it is given. We are committed to effective governance, including strong financial management.

Charity Registration Number

We are registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales and our registration number is 1054824.

Charitable Funds Committee

Charitable Funds Committee

Our Charitable Funds Committee has devolved responsibility for the overall management of charitable funds. The Committee is chaired by a Non-Executive Director and membership includes the Trust’s Chief Executive Officer and Place-based leader as well as Joint Chief Finance Officer.

The Committee’s responsibilities include keeping the Trust Board fully informed of the activity, performance and risk of the charity as well as providing support, advice and encouragement of income raising activities.

More information can be found in our annual report and accounts here.

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