Kat's walk to raising awareness of Fibromyalgia | News

Kat's walk to raising awareness of Fibromyalgia

The month of May is Mental Health & Chronic Illness Awareness Month! On the 12th May is World Fibromyalgia Awareness day.

Our very own Katrina will be taking on a 15k walk in hope of raising much more awareness of this invisible illness. Kat has faced a lot of challenges over the past 16 years and it has been Croydon Health Services which has helped her through. Most of her investigations, diagnoses and treatment over the years has taken place at the CHS and she now wants to give back whilst supporting others going through this journey themselves.

Kat is hoping to raise over £500 for the charity. Share & Donate via this link to support ➡ https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/kats15kwalkforfibromyalgia

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